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Specialized Eye Care for High Blood Pressure

In a world where nearly half of adults grapple with hypertension, ReFocus Eye Health is your vigilant ally in preserving your eyesight. With specialized hypertension eye care, we ensure your eyes remain healthy and clear.

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Hypertension and Your Eyes

Hypertension, commonly known as high blood pressure, occurs when the force of blood against the walls of your arteries is consistently too high. This condition strains your heart, damages arteries, and heightens the risk of severe health issues. However, hypertension doesn’t stop at your heart; it subtly impacts your eyes, potentially causing vision problems.

Hypertension-Related Eye Issues

Individuals with high blood pressure are at risk of developing the following eye issues:

arrow-circle-right-3 arrow-circle-right-3-light Hypertensive Retinopathy

Damaged blood vessels in the retina, which can impair vision and, in severe cases, lead to blindness.

arrow-circle-right-3 arrow-circle-right-3-light Optic Neuropathy

Impaired optic nerve function, causing vision loss and potentially leading to irreversible damage.

arrow-circle-right-3 arrow-circle-right-3-light Ischemic Optic Neuropathy

Reduced blood flow to the optic nerve, resulting in sudden vision loss, often in one eye.

arrow-circle-right-3 arrow-circle-right-3-light Retinal Vein or Artery Occlusion

Blockage of retinal veins or arteries due to high blood pressure, leading to vision loss in the affected area.

arrow-circle-right-3 arrow-circle-right-3-light Macular Edema

Swelling in the macula, the central part of the retina, causing blurred or distorted central vision.

arrow-circle-right-3 arrow-circle-right-3-light Cataracts

High blood pressure may accelerate the formation of cataracts, leading to cloudy vision.

Dedicated Hypertension Eye Care in Danbury

At ReFocus Eye Health, we understand the intricate dance between hypertension and your eyesight. With our advanced hypertension eye care, we ensure your eyes are shielded from the subtle threats of high blood pressure. Guided by expertise and compassion, we offer cutting-edge diagnostics and personalized treatments, ensuring your eyes receive the attention they deserve. Let’s embark on this journey together, where your comfort and clarity are non-negotiable.

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Make An Appointment

For urgent issues or emergencies, ReFocus strongly recommends calling us directly. For after-hours eye emergencies, please visit your local ER or urgent care center or dial 9-1-1. Please do not share private or personal medical information.

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